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Raising of a Peer

Page history last edited by jthies@... 16 years, 6 months ago

The Raising of a Peer: from vigil set-up to elevation ceremony

Baroness Genevieve d'Aquitaine, OP


Introduction to the "manual"



  1. Vigil-set-up:
    • Indoors or out
    • Tent or room
    • Furnishings
    • Decorations
    • Personalization
  2. Hospitality:
    • Tent/space
    • Food
    • Drink
    • Decoration
    • Seating for guests
    • Book for visitors to sign
  3. Staff:
    • Set-up
    • Restock of food and drink
    • Line-minder
    • Handwashing/bath crew (someone to pour, catch and speak)
    • Guards
  4. General Flow:
    • Surprise candidate
    • Escort candidate to vigil area
    • Give candidate the option to change into pure white clean vigil tunic
    • Handwashing ceremony (Chiv candidates take ice cold dunk then vigil tunic)
    • Candidate is set upon vigil and Crown gets first counsel visit
    • Heirs, Landed Baronage, significant other are next in line
    • Running vigil line, possibilities
    • Taking candidate off vigil to allow down-time before ceremony
    • Getting into the vigil if you're a "nobody", Vigil Visiting Tips
  5. Ceremony Basics:
    • Elevation garb (either new or have signifigant other pack something nice)
    • Procession (music, banners, escorts, etc.)
    • Returning of fealty if in fealty to Peer as squire, apprentice, protégé, or companion.
    • Worthies (Atlantian Four: Chivalry, Rose, Laurel, and Pelican) generally the Worthy of the Order they are joining goes last.
    • Cloak/peerage garment- personalize (words of symbolism)
    • Hat (wreath or cap of maintenance)
    • Medallion
    • Fealty
    • Scroll
    • Chiv specific: Worthies (optional), Regalia expanded to spurs, belt, sword, chain.  Each item of regalia can be presented by a worthy.  Last buffet before dubbing.

      Variations, especially for second peerages


You can also visit the Laurels' Peerage Elevation Checklist

©2006 Jennifer Thies

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